TLCMap Views

3D Visualisation

These are two tools for showing a place given a URL with information about it

3d Place

A tool for showing a place given a URL with information about it. This can be handy for constructing a URL you could send to someone, or put on your web page, or for developers to integrate into apps. You can simply provide 'latlng' coordinates in the address, like this:,%20131.036974

You can optionally also provide name, id, description and a 'linkback' (a URL to reference the source of this information, to an entry in the gazetteer, or your research on this place, etc) like this:,%20131.036974&name=Uluru&id=286532&description=A large sacred sandstone monolith at the heart of Australia.&linkback=

3d Places

Visualise set of places on a 3D map by providing the URL of a GeoJSON file. This is a prototype and does not yet work outside of TLCMap systems due to COR security issues. The URL of the GeoJSON file must be percent encoded.

Example, using the GeoJSON output of the Gazza fuzzy search for 'Newcastle':

Enhancements are planned for both of these tools to make them easier to use.